The only thing worse than being cold, is cold and wet he thought to himself. The pull out awning on his rig helped, but every so often it required standing up and pushing on it from underneath to drain the lake that was forming. It was during one of these floods that the overflow splashed on to his kindling. Picking it up there was nothing that could be done. It would be a cold one.
It was then that he felt the small matchbook - the kind you find at a bar, in his jacket pocket. Tucked in next to his 4X4WARD PYRE OVERG ROUND STARTER (P.O.G.S.) KIT, and knew there would be warmth. He'd brought it for the enjoyment of playing an evening game of POGS, not expecting it to be his saving grace.
MNFR Part Number: 4X013 - Pyre Over Ground Starter Kit
- 4X4WARD Original Equipment.
- Pogs of 5 released logos and throwback BASE02 logo.
- Cardboard is perforated for easy release.
- Great for slammin.
- Made in the U.S.A.
- Rad vibes.
- Only available in limited quantities in Tacoma, WA on 7/20/19.
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